Participating in Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs means Healthcare providers must conduct a Security Risk Analysis for Stage 1 and Stage 2 of Meaningful Use to ensure that the security and privacy of their patients is protected. It is crucial that a health praxis has a dedicated team of resources available to ensure compliance and future eligibility.
Published through the CMS, here is a Security Risk Analysis tipsheet, designed to help you navigate this increasingly important subject.
73beta can assist in not only identifying potential problem areas, but also provide solutions to protect you, your staff, and your equipment. Together in close cooperation, we will work on your side to help you solve these challenges while staying within your budget. Maybe you have already tried to reach out to your current IT provider but they may not have been responsive considering the scope of the subject. Let us help you solve these challenges.
For additional help or questions please contact me at the below provided information.
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